Happy New Year! Thank you for joining us in worship! This is the video of our indoor worship held Sunday, January 2, 2022; the Second Sunday in Christmas
Video of Worship, Sunday, December 26, 2021
Thank you for joining us in worship! This is the video of our indoor worship held Sunday, December 26, 2021; the First Sunday after Christmas.
Video of Worship, Friday, December 24, 2021
Thank you for joining us in worship! This is the video of our indoor worship held Friday, December 24, 2021; the Nativity of Our Lord.
Video of Worship, Sunday, December 19, 2021
Thank you for joining us in worship! This is the video of our indoor worship held Sunday, December 19, 2021; the Fourth Sunday in Advent.
Video of Worship, Sunday, December 12, 2021
Thank you for joining us in worship! This is the video of our indoor worship held Sunday, December 12, 2021; the Third Sunday in Advent.
Video of Worship, Sunday, December 5, 2021
Thank you for joining us in worship! This is the video of our indoor worship held Sunday, December 5, 2021; the Second Sunday in Advent.
Video of Worship, Sunday, November 28, 2021
Thank you for joining us in worship! This is the video of our indoor worship held Sunday, November 28, 2021; the First Sunday in Advent.
Video of Worship, Sunday, November 21, 2021
Thank you for joining us in worship! This is the video of our indoor worship held Sunday, November 21, 2021; Christ the King Sunday.
Video of Worship, Sunday, November 14, 2021
Thank you for joining us in worship! This is the video of our indoor worship held Sunday, November 14, 2021; the 25th Sunday in Pentecost.
(There was a technical issue in the recording. The worship is in two parts)
Video of Worship, Sunday, November 7, 2021
Thank you for joining us in worship! This is the video of our indoor worship held Sunday, November 7, 2021; the 24th Sunday in Pentecost.