David Johnson’s Temple Talk

On Sunday, Sept. 21, Dave Johnson gave a temple talk. He shared with us his thoughts on being blessed to be a blessing. After displaying the giving pattern within Zion, Dave challenged us to reflect upon our giving and how we might grow in faith by growing in our giving. He also invited worshippers to come to the Consecration Sunday brunch on the 5th of October. His talk was very informative. Thank you Dave!
[stream flv=x:/www.zionlutheran-marinette.org/video/2014-9-21 Temple Talk.meta.flv img=x:/www.zionlutheran-marinette.org/video/dave.jpg embed=false share=false width=600 height=450 dock=true controlbar=over bandwidth=high autostart=false /]

Hilma Backman’s Temple Talk

On Sunday, Sept. 14, Hilma Backman gave a 5 minute temple talk, sharing with us her personal experience of growing in faith with making a financial commitment to the Lord’s work in and through our congregation. She also invited us to Consecration Sunday on the 5th of October. You’ll want to see it! Thank you Hilma!
[stream flv=x:/www.zionlutheran-marinette.org/video/2014-9-14 Temple talk..meta.flv img=x:/www.zionlutheran-marinette.org/video/Hilma 2.jpg embed=false share=false width=600 height=450 dock=true controlbar=over bandwidth=high autostart=false /]

Jesus’ Farm – Song Time – Final Night of VBS

This is the song time on Thursday, August 14, the final night of Vacation Bible School. It was held after a field trip to the Retza farm.

[stream flv=x:/www.zionlutheran-marinette.org/video/20140814_205358.meta.flv img=x:/www.zionlutheran-marinette.org/video/Jesus’ Farm.jpg embed=false share=false width=600 height=450 dock=true controlbar=over bandwidth=high autostart=false /]