2014 Annual Report

This is the 2014 Annual Report. The Annual Meeting will take place on Sunday, January 25, following worship.

This Sunday we will host a special guest for an informational meeting following worship. Pastor Larry Westfield from Lutheran Planned Giving of Wisconsin will be here to answer any questions we might have regarding the Mission Endowment Fund resolution that will be considered at the Annual Meeting. A copy of that resolution is in the Annual Report, pages 46-51.

2014 Annual Report

Evangelism Skits

This is the video of the Evangelism Skits that were played on Sunday, November 23. Deepest thanks to all who helped any way to produce this video. Hopefully it will give us all that necessary nudge to be more welcoming.

[stream flv=x:/www.zionlutheran-marinette.org/video/2014 Evangelism Skit 2.meta.flv img=x:/www.zionlutheran-marinette.org/video/Evangelism Skit.jpg embed=false share=false width=600 height=450 dock=true controlbar=over bandwidth=high autostart=false /]

Heidi Beland’s Temple Talk

On Sunday, Sept. 28, Heidi Beland gave a temple talk, sharing with us her understanding of consecration and the place that giving has within her life of faith. Once again, Zion was blessed with a really great temple talk, well worth looking at again. Thank you Heidi!

[stream flv=x:/www.zionlutheran-marinette.org/video/2014-9-28 Temple talk.meta.flv img=x:/www.zionlutheran-marinette.org/video/Heidi.jpg embed=false share=false width=600 height=450 dock=true controlbar=over bandwidth=high autostart=false /]

Tithing – Our Work in the Vineyard with the Owner, Our Father

This is the video of the sermon from Sunday, September 28th. It made the point that our giving, which might include tithing, is not dismal work to be avoided, but is party-time work to be sought and embraced.

[stream flv=x:/www.zionlutheran-marinette.org/video/2014-9-28 Sermon only.meta.flv img=x:/www.zionlutheran-marinette.org/video/preacher.jpg embed=false share=false width=600 height=450 dock=true controlbar=over bandwidth=high autostart=false /]