Sunday, June 13th Zion began offering Holy Communion during worship as a part of our indoor services. The method we use for communing during worship is very different than before, (Thanks COVID!), but safety for all is our primary concern. At this time, effective immediately, Zion has dropped the pew reservation requirement for in-person indoor worship. HOWEVER, it is subject to change and is dependent upon the positive test rate, cases per 100,000 and the probability rate. Social distancing practices will continue to be used (no passing of the peace or offering plate, limited & soft singing).
Until it is deemed unnecessary, we will continue offering Holy Communion in the Social Hall for those who are uncomfortable worshipping in-person indoors and for our members who are not comfortable with partaking of Holy Communion during worship.
IF you prefer to receive Holy Communion in the Social Hall on Sunday, June 27th, please read the Holy Communion Pandemic Protocols on Zion’s website and sign up using the Signup Genius link: June 27, 2021 Holy Communion . If you need assistance making your reservation, or if you have questions, please call Zion’s office (715-735-7898) or send an email to: